Have all the fun of Christmas and New Year but do not forget these precautions related to Covid-19!
The cases of coronavirus seem to be increasing once again. The spread of this infection may increase further during this festival season. So do celebrate the festival but at the same time do not forget the precautions related to Covid-19 infection. Especially at this time when the new variant of Covid ‘Omicron’ is under threat as well as infections like flu, cold, cold also become common during this time.
People often do small gatherings at home to celebrate Christmas and Thanksgiving, but it is very easy for Covid and the flu to spread and infect people on such occasions. The crowd of many people in shopping malls, airports, and at home can prove to be dangerous at this time.
The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends that the best way to stay safe during this time is to stay at home. Whenever people come in contact with outside people, the risk of infection will increase. Also, any kind of travel will work to spread the infection during this period. Congestion of airports, bus stations, long car journeys that involve frequent stops can prove to be risky as passengers come in contact with many people during this time. Then if you have gone out to meet family or friends, then the infection can spread there as well.
The good news is that there are several things you can manage to reduce your chances of infection, especially during the festive season. Follow these tips to keep yourself and your family safe:
Be extra careful while traveling.
– Wear a mask the whole time.
– Keep distance from people.
– Minimize contact with other people during long drives.
Avoid gathering during festival time.
Small gatherings can be done with relatives or friends who live near your house but do not forget the precautions here too.
If your neighborhood or a friend is alone, then bring him food.
– Plan virtual holidays and dine together on Zoom calls.
Be careful while shopping.
– Go to the market before it gets crowded.
Better to shop online.
The year 2020 has forced us to adopt new habits, taught us how to meet less people at a time. We have also learned how to mix with precautions and celebrate safely. It becomes difficult to avoid infection during the festive season, but if we are careful, the fun of holidays can be fully enjoyed even in the covid pandemic.