Twitter will close all political advertisements

Twitter will close all political advertisements

Twitter will close all political advertisements
Social networking site Twitter will not be the source of political advertisements, Twitter says that it will stop all political advertisements.

Twitter CEO Jack Dorsi said, “Advertisements on the Internet are very powerful and effective; business is fine with commercials, but this power also brings great risks in politics.”

In contrast, Facebook has said that it will not stop political advertising.

American political factions are divided on the news of a ban on political advertisements on Twitter.

President Trump’s election campaign manager, Brad Pascal, described it as an attempt to silence Trump and the Conservatives.

Twitter will close all political advertisements

But Bill Trump, a spokesman for President Trump’s rival Joe Biden, has insisted that it will win democracy.

Twitter will close all political advertisements

This ban will be effective from November 22, more details about this will be released by November 15.

Twitter will close all political advertisements

Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton, who lost in the last presidential election, has welcomed Twitter’s decision and asked Facebook to rethink its decision.

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