COVID-19 Global Data: Deadly virus has taken more than 5 lakh 33 thousand lives, Learn countries data

COVID-19 Global Data: Deadly virus has taken more than 5 lakh 33 thousand lives, Learn countries data

COVID-19 Global Data: Deadly virus has taken more than 5 lakh 33 thousand lives, Learn countries data
The death toll due to COVID-19 has reached its record level. Due to this, the total number of deaths has exceeded 5 lakh 33 thousand.

Washington, Reuters. There is a record in the worldwide death toll due to Kovid-19. According to the latest data released by Johns Hopkins University of America, a total of more than 5.33 million deaths have occurred in all the countries of the world and more than 14 million people are infected. According to the University’s Center for Systems Science and Engineering (CSSE), by Monday morning, the total number of infections reached 1 crore 14 lakh 9 thousand 85 while the number of deaths reached 5 lakh 33 thousand 6 hundred 84.

The corona virus infection, which began with the beginning of December last year from the city of Wuhan, China, increased so quickly that in just three months, the World Health Organization declared it an epidemic on 11 March 2020. America ranks first in terms of infection in the world. The highest number of infection cases have been confirmed here. A total of 220 countries of the world have come under the grip of this transition started from China.

COVID-19 Global Data: Deadly virus has taken more than 5 lakh 33 thousand lives, Learn countries data

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