World Bank, Google and WHO raise hands to deal with Coronavirus, will spend billions

World Bank, Google and WHO raise hands to deal with Coronavirus, will spend billions

World Bank, Google and WHO raise hands to deal with Coronavirus, will spend billions
Many organizations are also coming forward to deal with Coronavirus. Together they are trying to eliminate this infection from the root.

Large institutions of the world have decided to work together to eliminate the rapidly spreading coronavirus around the world. They are spending billions of dollars on this. These include the World Bank, Google, and WHO. Together, these three organizations are spending billions of dollars to eliminate Corona.

The World Bank announced a $ 12 billion aid package to help various countries combat the outbreak of coronavirus. David Malpas, President of the World Bank, said that with such an amount, the needy countries have to provide fast effective assistance. He said that in the struggle to stop the spread of the Kovid-19 virus, it is necessary to recognize the additional burden on poor countries that have fewer means to fight it.

He said that this money is specifically for the poorest countries in the world and will be used for medical equipment or health services. It also includes expertise and policy advice. He said that this assistance would be given to those countries who would request for help. The bank is in contact with several member countries but did not mention any specific country, which will be the first aid. He said that the main thing is to move fast. Speed ​​is necessary to save lives.

Google has taken a unique initiative to help people, businesses and schools affected by the Coronavirus. Google said in a blog post that it will extend its Advanced Hangout Meet video-conferencing capabilities to all G Suite customers for free. Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Sundar Pichai announced the initiative in a tweet.

The company has written in its post that since most employees, teachers and students want to work from home due to the proliferation of COVID-19, we want to help our part. Google has taken this step at a time when many large conferences and events around the world have been canceled due to Coronavirus. Some of the major events canceled include GSMA’s Mobile World Congress and Facebook’s F8 Conference, Geneva Motor Show and Game Developers Conference.

The WHO is continuously making people aware of the preventive measures and symptoms of infection. The United Nations released US $ 15 million (US $) to help vulnerable countries fight the spread of coronavirus. The head of the United Nations, Mark Lococo, has released these funds from the Central Emergency Response Fund (CERF). Italy, the Islamic Republic of Iran and Korea have seen a sudden rise in affairs. There are now cases involving Iran, as well as Italy, Algeria, Austria, Croatia, Germany, Spain and Switzerland in Bahrain, Iraq, Kuwait, and Oman. United Nations funding has been released to the WHO and the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF). It will fund necessary activities including monitoring the spread of the virus, investigating cases and operating national laboratories.

The WHO has called for the US $ 675 million for the fight against the coronavirus. Countries around the world have already been asked to take precautions to prevent the spread of the virus. Emergency Relief Coordinator and Under-Secretary-for Humanitarian Affairs, Mark Lovelock, said that we have not yet found evidence that the virus is spreading freely. It is spreading somewhere before coming in contact with infected people, it can be stopped in this way.

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