Great Greta Thunberg again on time cover page

16-year-old Greta Thunberg of Sweden is no longer an idiot. She is making the whole world aware of the environment. As an environmental lover, Greta has a distinct identity throughout the world. Time magazine has revealed his importance to the world by giving him a place on his cover page Person of the Year (Time: Person of the Year). In the year 2018, Greta was included as the most influential teenager of the year, when she was asked to give the Nobel Prize to Greta, who showed her eye to the US President Donald Trump and his genuineness to public leaders about the environment. Was refused to do it. This is what makes Greta different from others and currently, the whole world stands with her.

Greta first appeared in media headlines in March 2018. At that time, he was only 15 years old. In order to spread awareness of the environment, he called for a strike in the school. On this call, school children in 105 countries of the world took to the streets and demonstrated the issue of the environment. In India too, schoolchildren took to the streets and tried to make people aware of this issue. To save the environment, he launched a campaign called #FridaysForFuture and # SchoolsStrike4Climate. Greta, who carried out this strike of students all over the world, was given a place in the headlines by the media all over the world. Greta said that the steps being taken against climate change are insufficient. The steps have been described as inadequate.

Why are leaders confident

16-year-old Greta was given prominence by the media across the world regarding the students’ strike on this issue all over the world. In November 2018, Greta was called as a speaker at TEDxStockholm. Apart from this, he was also called to the United Nations Climate Change Conference in December 2018. Apart from this, he was called to the World Economic Forum in Davos in January 2019. In 2019, 224 academics signed an open letter in support of a demonstration by Greta. His movement was also praised by UN Secretary-General Antonio Guteris.

Nothing to do with rallies

Wherever Greta went, her speeches were highly appreciated. The most important thing in this was that in the age where children do not know anything in the name of the environment, there Greta was very fierce on that issue. In his speeches, he targeted the leaders who considered the work done on the environment quite. Greta said that her assurances are not going to work, they should be upset on this issue. Greta says that mere rallies in the name of protecting the environment will not do anything.

Said ‘no’ to air travel

Let me tell you that Greta has been very aware since childhood since her childhood. This was the reason that before changing the thinking of the world, he changed the thinking of his family. He asked his parents to change their lifestyle. He first began to pay attention to vegetarian food in his home. After this, he stopped using things made from animal organs. Greta persuaded her parents not to travel by plane. Their campaign was that most people in Sweden had said no to air travel. The reason for this was the carbon from air traveling. Due to this campaign, the world got a new word in the form of Flygskam. This means flight to shame.

She seems like a very happy young girl looking forward to a bright and wonderful future. So nice to see! “rel =” nofollow

How did you care

In September 2019, when Greta told the entire US President, including Donald Trump, how dare you? So there was silence in the whole hall. Greta’s anger against the leaders who were not hurting themselves for patting themselves on the issue of the environment. He expressed his anger in the filled hall and asked how dare you? The photo staring at his trump had also become quite viral on social media. Many people even congratulated Greta for this and told the brave girl.

This is how you responded to Putin’s criticism

In October 2019, Russian President Vladimir Putin criticized Greta, saying that she is a noble girl, but perhaps she should know that the world is developing rapidly. In response, Greta changed her profile on the microblogging site. In his new profile, he wrote that ‘a kind, but little-known minor’.

Refusal to receive an environmental award

In the same year, it was announced by the Nordic Council to award them in the field of environment. An amount of 52 thousand US dollars is also given under this. But Greta refused to accept it and said that this movement does not need any award. All we need is for governments to focus on this issue.

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