The Supreme Court will hear on Thursday the plea of Pawan Kumar Gupta, one of the four convicts in the Nirbhaya case , in which he claimed to be a minor during the incident. Convicted Pawan Pawan Gupta, in his curative petition filed in the Supreme Court, argued that he was a minor on December 16, 2012, when the crime occurred.
According to the information received, Pawan’s petition will be heard in the Supreme Court at 10.25 am on Thursday. According to the news agency ANI, six judges of the Supreme Court will hear the chamber.
Please tell here that the four convicts of Nirbhaya (Pawan Kumar Gupta, Vinay Kumar Sharma, Mukesh Singh and Akshay Kumar Singh) are to be hanged at 5:30 am on Friday. Patiala House Court of Delhi has also issued a death warrant in this regard.
At the same time, in order to save the four convicts, advocate AP Singh has also filed a petition in Delhi’s Patiala House Court to stop the hanging, which will be heard on Thursday. Advocate AP Singh has argued in the plea that the corrective plea of convict Pawan Gupta is yet to be filed in the Supreme Court and the mercy petition is pending by convict Akshay Singh, so the death warrant should be stayed.
Along with this, the petition of Akshay Kumar Singh’s wife is to be heard in the Aurangabad court of Bihar on Thursday in which she has said that she will divorce from the guilty Akshay instead of dying as a widow.